Both the Liberian Geological Survey (LGS) and the Liberian Hydrological Services (LHS) operate directly under the Assistant Minister for Mineral Exploration & Environmental Research. These two bureaus play vital roles in supporting the sustainable management and exploration of Liberia's natural resources, particularly in the context of mining activities.
Liberian Geological Survey (LGS)
The Liberia Geological Survey (LGS) was established in the aftermath of the country's civil conflicts to address the need for systematic geological research and resource management. The necessity for a dedicated agency became clear as Liberia sought to revitalize its mineral exploration sector and ensure sustainable development. The LGS was officially founded in the early 2000s and has since evolved to meet the challenges of geological research in a post-conflict context.
The LGS has several key functions, including:
Liberian Hydrological Services (LHS)
The Liberian Hydrological Service (LHS) is a public institution in Liberia, established by Executive Law in 1972. Its mandate is to assess, evaluate, monitor, and protect the nation’s water resources. It operates as a functional bureau under the Department of Mineral Exploration and Environmental Research (D’MEER) within the Ministry of Mines and Energy. LHS supports Liberia's water sector to ensure its sustainability and vibrancy.
The bureau serves as the national groundwater consulting agency. Its primary functions are, conducting hydrogeological investigations, river flow measurements, water quality monitoring, and hydrometeorological (rainfall) data recording. The bureau collaborates with ministries and agencies on climate vulnerability assessments, supports the implementation of climate adaptation and mitigation measures, and aids in developing water policies and regulations.
Over the years, 16 manual hydrological metering stations, 14 manual rainfall stations, and one automatic station have been established. This has resulted in a series of measurements covering several years, providing valuable data for the effective management and utilization of Liberia's water resources. Historical data of many years also available.
The bureau comprises four operational sections: Surface Water, Groundwater, Water Quality and Hydrometeorology. LHS has a current staff capacity of 25 in-office employees and 13 off-station employees. The workforce of LHS comprises, hydrologists, water resources engineers, geophysical engineer, civil engineers, geologists, environmentalist, biologist, chemist, hydro-observers and administrative officers.
Surface Water Section
This section plays a unique role at the Liberia Hydrological Service and is responsible for conducting river discharge measurement, monitoring river levels, identifying and mapping rivers, streams, lakes and other surface water bodies and conducting hydrological data analysis.
Groundwater Section
This section plays a pivotal role in exploring, assessing and managing the country’s groundwater resources. By this, the section headed by a hydro-geologist conducts groundwater exploration, assist in the design, drilling and development of wells and boreholes, monitor groundwater level, recharge rates, aquifer conditions and analyze hydrogeological and hydro-geophysical data.
Water Quality Section
This section is responsible for conducting surface water quality testing especially at mining sites, determining contaminants such as heavy metals, pathogens and chemicals in those water bodies and conduct awareness on water quality issues and best practices. This sections collaborates more with the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia.
Hydrometeorology Section
This section works closely with the Surface Water Section and is responsible for collecting rainfall data. LHS has installed rain gauges at its manual gauge stations across the country, and rainfall data is collected twice daily from these stations. The hydrometeorology section also collaborates with the Liberia Metrological Service.